
    To our Muslim neighbours in Cambridge Ontario

    On behalf of the congregation of Wesley United Church (6 Cambridge St., Cambridge ON), I am reaching out to you in solidarity, standing beside you in this time of fear and grief.  We call you sisters and brothers, for we are all part of the human family and when one part suffers, it affects us all. The violence suffered in London ON this past week by the Muslim faith community is unfathomable, and we are all diminished by it.  We lament that such a thing can happen in our country. 

    We confess that we do not know what it is like to walk in your shoes, and to deal with prejudices based on religious profiling.  However, we are a community that wants to be intentional about inclusion, celebrating difference and building community that extends far beyond our doors.  We are glad that you are part of our Cambridge community, and we celebrate the cultural and spiritual gifts that you bring.  As fellow travellers in the Abrahamic faith tradition, we long for peace and wholeness and fullness of life for you and for all people.  We condemn Islamophobia and racial profiling and prejudice and violence in any form. We want you to know that we stand beside you, offering support and friendship, committing our lives to breaking down barriers that divide, working toward peace and justice for all. 

    We want to be a church that journeys toward reconciliation, understanding, and cooperation with our Muslim neighbours.  If there are ways that we can further support you, please reach out to us with the request.

    In Solidarity and toward Salem/Shalom,

    ~Rev. Keith Hagerman,

    (On behalf of the congregation of Wesley United Church, 6 Cambridge St., Cambridge, ON  N1R 3R6)


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