
Mission and Service Fund

The Mission and Service (M&S) Fund donates money through our national church to projects in Canada and through partner churches around the world. As of December 2015, our congregation donated $16,707.50 to the M&S Fund. You can donate to the M&S Fund through PAR or by marking your request on your Sunday offering envelope.

In times of special need, our national church invites us to give over and above offering. At the end of 2015, Wesley, along with all United Churches across Canada, responded to an appeal for Syrian refugees. In one month $720.00 was collected from our local congregation. A big thank you to all who support our M&S Fund. In 2016, we will be sharing our projects with you during the worship service in the “Minute for Mission”.



Mission and Service & Community Outreach 2015

Community Outreach

The grocery cart that collects Wesley’s community offerings is generously filled each month. This year support was given to the Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank, The Bridges, Cambridge and District Humane Society and the YWCA girls’ program. We are hoping to produce a six-month overview of upcoming agencies for this year. The last Sunday of the month, the shopping cart will be brought forth to be blessed with our monetary offering during Sunday’s worship. Thanks to those who help our committee deliver these gifts.

The Hospitality Committee asked us to deliver the bountiful warm and fuzzy knitted offerings from our two Christmas trees. The Food Bank and The Bridges were very grateful. Thank you for all the love shared through these beautiful gifts. Many hands worked hard to produce so many articles to warm our neighbours.

Albert Schweitzer said: “One thing I know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found out how to serve.”

Through our givings and service we can all participate in sharing God’s love and justice in our world.
