

e are an Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Canada.

We affirm and celebrate each other's God-given right to be who we are. Together we try to support and encourage one another to become all we can be, individually and as a community of faith.

Our commitment  is to be open to all people, including, but not limited to:

  • Conventional Christians and questioning sceptics
  • believers and agnostics 
  • women and men
  • all sexual orientations 
  • all classes and abilities

We believe that Christianity is enriched by human reason, not in conflict with it.

We believe that as a church family, we are responsible to one another and our community.


About Us


What We believe

e believe that it is Jesus’ message (rather than the institutions conveying it) that forms the most enduring foundation for a positive life.
   We believe that this message better enables each of us to experience and worship God in our own way.
