Welcome to Wesley United Church!
esley is situated in the historic civic square in downtown Galt, adjacent to the Cambridge Farmer’s Market, the historic City Hall, and the new City Administration building.
Wesley is part of the United Church of Canada, the largest Protestant denomination in our country. The United Church of Canada prides itself on welcoming everyone the way Jesus did, regardless of age, race, class, gender, orientation, or physical ability
Wesley United Church is an Affirming congregation, and has created an environment of openness for all people. We affirm that all who seek to live faithfully regardless of ability, age, ethnicity, race, gender, gender presentation, sexual orientation, or social circumstances are welcome to full participation in the life and work of the congregation.
MINISTER - We are currently seeking a permanent minister
e work together with other churches and organizations whenever possible in our community, and throughout the world, on matters of justice, peace, and human dignity. We believe that ours is a living faith, a faith that is expressed not only in ministry, but also in mission in and with the world around us. Wesley supports local and international efforts to alleviate poverty and homelessness.
Please join us!
Our Mission
We seek transformation, using our gifts to grow spiritually, care for each other & the community.
Our Vision
Wesley is a Christian Community spiritually searching, seeking transformation in God, sharing our love for each other & the stranger in our midst, & doing justice in God’s world.
We Value Hospitality
- Opening our doors
- Welcoming the stranger
- Sharing our table
We acknowledge different paths to God
- Accommodating
- Supporting
- Llearning from each other
We value trusting relationships
- Accepting
- Listening
- Respecting
We trust in the grace of God
- Which is mystery
- Which is love and forgiveness for ourselves and others
- Which makes the impossible, possible